R. Watson, (1984). “Trawl Fish Composition and Harvest Estimates for the Gulf of Papua,” PNG Fisheries Reports (Fisheries Research and Surveys Branch, Papua New Guinea Dept. Primary Industry, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Samples of trawl fishes taken from the Gulf of Papua between June and September 1983 were dominated by weight and numbers by sciaenids, engraulids, leiognathids and trichurids. The estimated fish to prawn ratio was 8.8:1. Based on this ratio, the estimated harvest of fishes was 209 kg/hr. If this harvest was extrapolated for all trawl hours for 1982 the estimated total harvest was 11,300 – 17,200t or 1.2 – 1.9t/km2 of trawled grounds. Seasonal and area differences were noted.