R. Watson, (1983). “Fisheries Research Annual Report” PNG Fisheries Research Annual Report (Fisheries Research and Surveys Branch, Papua New Guinea Dept. Primary Industry, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea fisheries, Papua New Guinea, research
During 1983 research undertaken by the Branch continued to be orientated mainly towards the development requirements of Papua New Guinea’s coastal fisheries. Particularly attention has been paid to the need to develop new fishing craft and fishing methods for the artisanal fishery. Two new designs of small craft which have been constructed this year will be fully tested during 1984. Experimental fishing has concentrated on deep-line fishing and results have consistently shown that this method has potential for development in Papua New Guinea (P.N.G.). It is fully recognised that for this research to have any impact on the fishery, it must be demonstrated to the fishermen themselves and two programmes involving local fishing communities have been initiated at Port Moresby and Wewak. Fieldwork on three major projects, a shallow reef study at Kavieng, the Sepik River study and a study of estuarine fish stocks based at Baimuru were completed during 1983 and preliminary analysis has commenced and several reports have been produced. Funds allocated to Research were 30% less than in 1982 and several low priority ‘tasks’ were not commenced as planned. Since there has not been any major increase in staff numbers, staff shortages have been a major constraint. Research’s role in the tuna, prawn and barramundi fisheries has continued to be many that of management, involving the monitoring of catch data. Research into the Torres Strait lobster stocks re-commenced in 1983 with a view to improving our understanding and management of this valuable resource.