- Soviet fleet fishing in Canadian waters
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling for fish to convert to fishmeal
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawler off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling off Newfoundland
- Trawling for fish to convert to fishmeal
- Trawl catch to be converted to fishmeal
- Fish to be converted to fishmeal
- Trawled herring
- Trawled herring
- Grinding trawled fish for conversion to fishmeal
- Bags of dried fishmeal ground from trawled fish
- Fishing for shark off Newfoundland
- Finned bodies of sharks taken off Newfoundland
- Bodies of finned sharks taken off Newfoundland
- Fins taken from sharks taken off Newfoundland
- Trawled northern shrimp off Newfoundland
- Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Catch from Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Sorting shrimp from bycatch from Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Preparing to freeze some of bycatch from Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Preparing shrimp (Penaeus mono don) for freezing on Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Incidental catch of dolphinfish taken by line on Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Incidental catch of tuna taken by line on Japanese trawler operating for shrimp in tropical waters of Papua New Guinea (Gulf of Papua)
- Sorting trawl catch as part of research survey by Queensland government in Australia’s Torres Strait waters (collaboration with Papua New Guinea)
- Seafood market in Qingdao, China 1986
- Seafood market in Qingdao, China 1986
- Seafood market in Qingdao, China 1986
- Seafood market in Jakarta, Indonesia 1993.
- Vessels for transporting timber and other goods at Jakarta, Indonesia 1993
- Seafood market in Jakarta, Indonesia 1993.
- Seafood market in Biak, Indonesia 1993
- Seafood market Ujang Padang, Indonesia 1993 (fish for dying)
- Seafood market Ujang Padang, Indonesia 1993
- Seafood market Ujang Padang, Indonesia 1993
- Seafood market Ujang Padang, Indonesia 1993
- Results of deepwater handling research trials off Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea circa 1985
- Results of deepwater handling research trials off Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea circa 1985
- Reef surveys using local spear fishers in Solomon Islands by Australian ACIAR project in late 1980s
- Reef surveys using local spear fishers in Solomon Islands by Australian ACIAR project in late 1980s
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