Bouchet, Phil; Meeuwig, Jessica; Huang, Zhi; Letessier, Tom; Nichol, Scott; Caley, Julian; Watson, Reg A.
Global Ecology and Biogeography, (In Press)
pelagic, MPA, conservation
Bouchet, Phil; Meeuwig, Jessica; Huang, Zhi; Letessier, Tom; Nichol, Scott; Caley, Julian; Watson, Reg A.
Global Ecology and Biogeography, (In Press)
pelagic, MPA, conservation
C. J. McOwen, W. W. L. Cheung, R. R. Rykaczewski, R. A. Watson, L. J. Wood, (In Press). Fish and Fisheries. Continue reading
R. Watson, D. Pauly, (2013). Fish and Fisheries. 15, 445-455
R. Watson, D. Zeller, D. Pauly, (2013). Fish and Fisheries. 15, 231-241
E. Chassot, S. Bonhommeau, N. K. Dulvy, F. Mélin, R. Watson, D. Gascuel, O. Le Pape, (2010). Ecology Letters 13, 495-505. Continue reading
V. Christensen, C. Walters, R. Ahrens, J. Alder, J. Buszowski, L. B. Christensen, W. Cheung, J. Dunne, R. Froese, V. Karpouzi, K. Kaschner, K. Kearney, S. Lai, V. Lam, M. L. D. Palomares, A. Peters-Mason, C. Piroddi, J. L. Sarmiento, J. Steenbeek, R. Sumaila, R. Watson, D. Zeller, D. Pauly, (2008). “Models of the World’s Large Marine Ecosystems, Gef/Lme Gloabl Project Promoting Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Fisheries Conservation and Large Marine Ecosystems,” IOC Technical Series.