R. A. Watson, N. R. Sumner, (1999). Environment international 25, 735-744. Continue reading
Tag Archives: optimisation
Maximising the Landed Value from Prawn Fisheries Using a Variation on the Simulated Annealing Algorithm
R. Watson, N. R. Sumner, (1997). 864-868. paper published in proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Continue reading
Evaluating Closed Season Options with Simulation for a Tropical Shrimp Fishery
R. A. Watson, V. R. Restrepo, (1995). ICES Marine Science Symposia 199, 391-398. Continue reading
Closed Seasons and Tropical Penaeid Fisheries: A Simulation Including Fleet Dynamics and Uncertainty
R. A. Watson, D. J. Die, V. R. Restrepo, (1993). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13, 326-336. Continue reading