K. M. Kleisner, C. Longo, M. Coll, B. S. Halpern, D. Hardy, S. K. Katona, F. Le Manach, D. Pauly, A. A. Rosenberg, S. F. Samhouri, C. Scarborough, U. R. Sumaila, R. Watson, D. Zeller, (2013). AMBIO: a Journal of the Human Environment 42, 910-992.
Sustainable provision of seafood is a fundamental component of healthy marine ecosystems. As such, the Ocean Health Index includes a model for sustainable seafood provision. Here we critically review this model, and explore the implications of knowledge gaps, scale of analysis, choice of reference points, measures of sustainability, and quality of input data. Global patterns for fisheries are positively related to human development and latitude, whereas patterns for mariculture are most closely associated with economic importance of seafood. Sensitivity analyses show that scores are robust to several model assumptions, but highly sensitive to choice of reference points and, for fisheries, extent of time series available to estimate landings. We show how results for Food Provision may be interpreted and used, and we evaluate which modifications show the greatest potential for improvements.
10.1007/s13280-013-0447-x, http://www.ecomarres.com/downloads/SF_Ambio.pdf